Dear Sensei/Senpai/Sabomnim,
It gives me great pleasure to inform you of the arrangements of our Annual International Karate/Kung Fu/Taekwondo Championships & Sabaki Challenge which will be held in August at the University of the Western Cape, Bellville, Cape Town.
As many of you are aware, my greatest desire when organising this tournament is to plan an event at which each and every participant gains some benefit and enjoyment. For the past eighteen years, our Invitational Tournament has been a gathering of martial arts friends from all over. The character of this tournament is created by the wonderful people who join us for the event.
As in the past, this event is held under the auspices of the Shin Budo Kai, Ashihara Karate International and the Western Cape Taekwondo Federation. We hope that you and your students can join us to enjoy the martial arts action in Bellville, a historical part of the Mother City.
The format of the tournament will be as follow:
Age Limit: No age limit. However, all competitors under 21 must submit a copy of their birth certificate.
Closing Date: The closing date for entries will be the second Friday in August when the enclosed entry forms containing the names, date of birth, weight and grade (and copy of I.D. - first time entrants only) must be hand delivered, e-mailed or faxed to myself - Fax 021 - 701 1701.
Entry Fees: Competitors : R60.00 for the 1st division (R20.00 for each additional division) Sabaki division : R150.00 Spectators : Adults - R20.00 Children - R10.00
Please note that no late entries will be accepted. The entry fee for competitors must be paid in by August 15 when the draw sheets can be viewed at our HQ.
Starting Time: All competitors and officials to be at the Sports Hall by 8.00am.
Kumite Divisions: As per the enclosed format. A minimum of 4 competitors is essential for a division to run. The rules will be moderate contact using clickers to score. For those 18 and older (males), there will also be a full contact section (see Sabaki). A special event this year will be the WTF Taekwondo division.
Kata Division: As per the enclosed format. A minimum of 4 competitors is essential for a division to run.
Sabaki Division: As per the enclosed format. A maximum of 8 competitors per division will be allowed. In the event of an excess of applications to the Sabaki Challenge, a further weight division will be considered, if not, selection of fighters will be at the discretion of the Tournament Director. Those applicants not selected will receive a refund of the entry fee. Note that this division is for Brown and Black Belts only.
In order to be considered, applicants must complete the Sabaki questionnaire, sign and return the following by no later than Friday 04 August:
1. Fighter application and questionnaire. 2. R150.00 registration fee. 3. 1 Passport picture (for the brochure).
Rules: Enclosed you will find a condensed version of both the semi- and - full contact rules. Please familiarise yourself with the rules and should you experience difficulty with any section, do call for clarification. Note that protective gear is the responsibility of the competitor and may or may not be worn at their discretion.
Code of Conduct: The enclosed code of conduct will be strictly followed and enforced.
Prizes: Medals to first four place finishers. Trophies to Sabaki first three place finishers. Special Awards to outstanding competitors. Certificates to all competitors. * (depending)
Banners: All participating dojo's are encouraged to display their banner in the Sports Centre.
National Flags : All foreign teams are requested to be attired in sports clothing depicting the colours of their Country as well as to bring a copy of their Country flag along.
Training of Officials: All dojo's wishing to assist with refereeing and table officiating, may do so. Ongoing training is held under the auspices of the Contact Component of the Karate Association of the Western Province (K.A.W.P.) and you or your members are welcome to join this program. Please call Sensei Sattar Khan at 021 691 9049 for further information. All participating dojo’s are obligated to enter a minimum of two officials and two referee’s.
Travel Assistance: For those teams travelling from other provinces -
By train - The Railway services offers greatly reduced prices to Cape Town. A minimum of 10 people is necessary for a special price. If you need to be met at the Airport, Bus or Railway station, please inform us of your arrival time and we will arrange to meet you. For those teams travelling from overseas - We will provide transport for you from the Cape Town International airport and back. We will also transport you between destinations like hotels, stadium and back. International Teams in need of Visa assistance, kindly mail or fax us the details. In return we can forward you with an official invitation.
Accommodation: Travelling teams in need of accommodation must please inform me well in advance so that I can arrange either local or hotel accommodation (depending on your needs). Overseas competitors must kindly indicate their preference in order to facilitate arrangements.
Paraphernalia on Sale: A limited amount of Championships T-shirts will be on sale as well as Headbands, Protectors, sweat tops, groin guards, magazines, stickers, books, gi's and other martial arts equipment
Brochure Recognition: We would like to include your name in our brochure listing the attending schools. Printing deadline is 10 August, so please reply to your earliest convenience.
Picture Recognition : All International competitors must send the following as soon as possible: 1. 1x passport size photos of themselves 2. Country Delegation Leaders are requested to send a short message and photo for the Tournament magazine /program.
Special Recognition:
At the Championships, awards will be presented to instructors who have been training and teaching traditional karate/taekwondo for twenty years or more. Please submit a separate resume by 10 August to be eligible.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to call. We look forward to seeing you at the championships.
Yours sincerely
Hoosain Narker